
Gate Healing Mental Health Blog

A silhouette of a person breaking out of the chains of adversity with the sunset in the background.

Healthy Selfishness

Understanding Healthy Selfishness for Effective Stress Management Have you ever wondered how selfishness can be healthy? The idea may seem paradoxical, but practicing healthy selfishness can be a kind and effective way to manage stress. So,…
A woman scratching her head and looking up as if searching for an answer. Behind her is a field of question marks on the wall.

Relationship Decisions

Relationship Decisions: Making Sense of Thoughts & Feelings Many people struggle with relationship decisions, and it’s not always easy to know what to do. Questions like whether to commit, have kids, propose, or deal with different needs…
grieving statue at cemetery

Grief: It’s not just about death

Understanding the Many Faces of Grief: Beyond Loss and Death When we talk about grief, our minds often go to the loss of a loved one. However, it's essential to realize that grief can take various forms. Regardless of the circumstances, grief…
man facing anticipatory anxiety

Signs you might suffer from anxiety

Understanding Anxiety: A Comprehensive Guide Anxiety does not have to be as painful and debilitating as people often find it to be; it is manageable by using effective, research-based interventions provided at Gate Healing, PLLC.  In this…
Happy couple embracing in front of Christmas tree. They manage their holiday stress well.

Holiday Stress

Navigating Holiday Stress: Expert Tips for a Serene Season The holiday season is often seen as a time of joy, togetherness, and celebration. However, for many, it can also be a period of immense stress and overwhelm. As a seasoned counselor…
African American hands holding up paper cutouts of four figures holding hands.

Autism Spectrum and Making Friends

Developing and maintaining friendships can be a rewarding and fulfilling aspect of life for teens and young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). While building social connections might present unique challenges, there are effective…
Tinnitus can be maddening. Image of a woman's ear with earrings.

Coping with Tinnitus

Living with Tinnitus: Navigating the Sound of Silence Understanding Tinnitus Tinnitus is the perception of sound when there is no external auditory stimulus. It can manifest in various forms and intensities, making each person's experience…
A red tomato kitchen timer sitting on a wood table.

The Pomodoro Technique

Achieving Work-Life Balance: A Counselor's Guide to the Pomodoro Technique In today's bustling world, striking a harmonious balance between our demanding work commitments and personal well-being can often feel like an overwhelming challenge.…
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