Archive for category: Personal development

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Personal Development
Everyone faces struggles in life, whether it’s dealing with grief, job loss, frustrating circumstances, financial stress, or just the everyday challenges of living. These issues may not meet the criteria for a clinical diagnosis of depression or anxiety, but they can still cause significant distress and impact your quality of life.

Counseling can help you learn how to manage these challenges effectively and develop skills to prevent them from turning into more serious mental health issues. Our articles offer practical tips and insights to help you navigate life’s ups and downs and build resilience in the face of adversity. Learn more about how counseling can help you manage life’s challenges and achieve greater well-being.

A silhouette of a man and woman arguing

Anticipatory Defensiveness

First, we should differentiate between plain old defensiveness and anticipatory defensiveness. They share a certain vibe of irritability and protectiveness, but they are certainly different, and seem to come from different places: One defending…
Updated: July 24, 2024
grieving statue at cemetery

Grieving an unfair loss

Balancing the anger and sadness of an unfair loss can feel impossible, especially in the beginning. First, breathe and understand that this will pass even though it does not feel like it. Before going any further, if you are unsure, please get…
Updated: July 24, 2024
Sad woman looking down

Emotional Confirmation Bias

When we think of "confirmation bias" we typically think of politics. As voters, confirmation bias is when we hold a particular belief, then selectively look for evidence to support it; this is typically an unconscious process (i.e. we are not…
Updated: July 24, 2024
Overlapping circles of thinking and feeling minds creating hybrid wise mind.

Mindfulness and the Wise Mind

In dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), there is a wonderful explanation of how the best of our thinking and feeling minds can be accessed. This "Wise Mind" is based on the idea that the thinking brain and feeling brain both have validity and…
Updated: July 24, 2024
A man at his desk procrastinating by listening to music in headphones


When it comes to not getting things done, we can be extremely creative about feeling good about it. Does this sound familiar, "To be at my most productive, I need some down time." Or, "Sleep is really important, so I'll just sleep in today .…
Updated: July 24, 2024